Monday, January 05, 2009

French Press: Attempt #2

Tonight, I decided to attempt another french pressed cup o' joe. I took Pepper's suggestions and put them in action. The final product was much stronger, but I put a little too much milk and sugar in (surprise surprise) so I didn't get the full flavor. I also forgot to stir when I added the water, so I'm sure it might have been even better had I remembered to stir.

Next time I will hopefully remember to stir and put a little less milk and sugar. I'll get it perfect one of these days!

1 comment:

MaryBeth Carroll said...

I suggest trying to get the taste right without milk or sugar first. Drink it black, or at least take a few sips of it black. Great coffee really needs less augmentation than mediocre coffee, and you'll be able to see if you're on the right track a bit more clearly if you always try it black. Basically, you're removing the possibility of too much or too little milk/sugar/cream/etc. Call it a controlled experiment -- change just one variable at a time. Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself with the press.